Wastewater & Sludge
In the fields of municipal and industrial wastewater treatment, we offer our solutions and services for the following:
- Aerobic processes for wastewater treatment like activated sludge, biofilm, membrane revitalisation or granular.
- Aerobic processes for sludge stabilisation, e.g., integrated stabilisation and thickening
- Anaerobic processes for sludge treatment (& stabilisation)
- Anaerobic processes for wastewater treatment as high load processes (e.g., UASB, EGSB, IC)
- Anaerobic municipal wastewater treatment
- Wastewater disinfection
- Phosphorous reduction in the water and sludge pathway
- Mechanical pre-treatment
- Physical processes (sedimentation, solids separation by screens, parallel plate separators, etc.)
- Chemical precipitation processes
- Membrane processes
- Treatment of process water by
- Degassing of wastewater for methane recovery
- Degassing of sludge to recover methane, avoid precipitation in the sludge infrastructure and improve dewaterability.
- GHG balancing
- Conceptual solutions for GHG emission reduction
- Dynamic simulation/modelling for planning and optimisation of wastewater treatment plants and processes
- Energy analysis according to DWA A-216 for optimisation of energy consumption
- Sludge dewatering
- Computational verification of process engineering parameters (chemical, physical, biological treatment processes)
- Mechanical engineering & EI&C
- Research and implementation of innovative technologies
- (Waste)water reuse in agriculture
- Organisation and management of networks on urban water management issues
- Explosion protection documents
- Risk analyses according to the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC (CE conformity)
- Concepts for operational optimisation
- Development and conducting of training courses
- Application for funding for field-related projects from federal and state programmes
Our References


Dr.-Ing. Niklas Trautmann
E-Mail: trautmann@aquawaste.de
Tel.: +49 (0) 511 132 221 82
Work phases 1-2 and special services for the construction of a second secondary clarifier at the Basse wastewater treatment plant | Germany | 2024 |
Complete planning service for the upgrading of the blower station and the aeration system in aeration tank 2 of the Nordlohne wastewater treatment plant | Germany | 2024 - ongoing |
Concept and Design review and capacity building for decentralized sludge treatment | Germany | 2024 |
Concept study for a sewer flushing material reception with treatment | Germany | 2024 |
Plan of a bypass around a secondary clarifier | Germany | 2024 |
Optimization of the hydraulics at the Rodenberg wastewater treatment plant | Germany | 2024 |
Supporting the planning services for the implementation of the concept for a climate and energy-neutral wastewater treatment plant in Emsdetten-Austum | Germany | 2023 - ongoing |
Framework agreement with the Stadtentwässerung Celle focusing the on optimizing of the biological stage | Germany | 2024 - ongoing |
Treatment of additional rainwater from the separate sewer system at the Emsdetten-Austum wastewater treatment plant | Germany | 2024 - ongoing |
Preliminary planning for the renewal/expansion of the grit separation at the Rodenberg WWTP | Germany | 2024 |
Training on the use of the A131 in warm climates | Jordan | 2023 |
GaVA research project: Holistic utilization of pineapple plants with a focus on pulp production and the development of a wastewater concept including the treatment of side streams | Germany, Costa Rica | 2023 - ongoing |
Study on the integration of a 4th tratment stage, a P-recycling concept and energy-saving measures in WWTP Lüchow. | Germany | 2023 |
Expert assessment of the technical feasibility of the concept developed for the 4th tratment stage at the Lehre wastewater treatment plant | Germany | 2023 |
Simulation study for the recalculation of the Niederrad/Griesheim WWTP for interim expansion stages currently being planned and recalculation of the Sindlingen WWTP | Germany | 2023 - ongoing |
Preparation of the technical tender documents | Germany | 2023 |
Concept for water reuse and recycling in a tannery | Germany | 2023 - ongoing |
Design of an MBBR for the wastewater treatment of market discharges | Philippines | 2023 |
Concept for the integration of negative pressure degassing for treatment of digested sludge | Germany | 2023 |
Development of a concept study and elaboration of a project outline with the aim of an “energy self-sufficient sewage treatment plant” for the Emsdetten WWTP | Germany | 2023 |
Consultancy on the circular economy in medium-sized production facilities in Jordan | Jordan | 2022 - 2023 |
Construction of a model and dynamic simulation of the Seevetal wastewater treatment plant with SIMBA# | Germany | 2022 - 2023 |
Updating and calibration of the dynamic model of KA Oldenburg | Germany | 2021 - 2022 |
Simulation study to estimate the effects of heat extraction in the main collector on the purification performance of the biological stage of the Steinhof wastewater treatment plant | Germany | 2022 - 2023 |
Preparation of an expert report on the reduction of precipitant requirements for P elimination in wastewater treatment plants | Germany | 2022 |
Simulation for the representation of the solids distribution in the two aeration tanks when installing a membrane in the outer ring of the 2nd cascade, Wolfsburg | Germany | 2022 |
Concept study for separate sewage sludge stabilisation at the Rodenberg sewage treatment plant | Germany | 2022 - 2024 |
Investigation into the integration of a COD discharge system (pre-treatment) at the Emsdetten-Austum wastewater treatment plant | Germany | 2023 |
Online-training for mayors in Douala and Dschang (Cameroon) and for technicians on communal water and wastewater management (on behalf of GWP) | Cameroon | 2022 |
CO2-Balance for the new construction of the Münster-Hiltrup wastewater treatment plant | Germany | 2022 - ongoing |
Feasibility study for the establishment of a research and demonstration field for innovative water and wastewater technology at a sewage treatment plant site in the Lausitzer Revier | Germany | 2023 - ongoing |
Consulting Services for the reuse of treated wastewater at the Fariman Yeast Factory | Iran | 2022 - 2023 |
Enhancing Industrial Wastewater Management in the Jordanian Industry | Jordan | 2022 - 2023 |
Training für Decentralized Sanitation | Vietnam | 2022 |
Study on future-oriented ideas regarding the energy management at the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) Lindau | Germany | 2022 - 2023 |
Planning services for the construction of a large-scale pilot plant for separate process water treatment at the Gümmerwald wastewater treatment plant | Germany | 2021 - 2023 |
Feasibility Study of Biogas Generation from Sewage Lagoons | Belize | 2022 - 2024 |
Network phase for a resource efficiency network for sewage sludge disposal in northern Schleswig-Holstein | Germany | 2021 - ongoing |
Baseline assessment for the reduction of direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions from the operation of the activated sludge plant at WWTP Lindau | Germany | 2022- 2023 |
Support to 3-Tier Post Environment Clearance Compliance Monitoring of MoEFCC | India | 2022 |
Development of a predesigned and modularised training concept for the design of wastewater treatment plants worldwide according to the German regulations - EXPOTRAIN | Germany - Brazil | 2022 - 2023 |
Preparation of a wastewater and stormwater drainage concept for a building plot (residential construction) - Wustrow, Germany | Germany | 2021 - 2022 |
Performance enhancement of the process water treatment stage at WWTP Seevetal | Germany | 2021 - 2022 |
Knowledge management on water and wastewater management in the Wider Caribbean Region (WCR) | Caribbean | 2021 - 2022 |
Evaluation of the use of biowaste as a co-substrate in a municipal digester - Stadtentwässerung Hildesheim | Germany | 2021 - 2022 |
Potential analysis, support with application preparation for funding (according to municipal guidelines), conceptual design of retrofitting with pressurised aeration by means of dynamic simulations as well as renovation of the aeration systems and rehabilitation of the aeration basins - Husum | Germany | 2021 - 2022 |
Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from sludge treatment at the Münster main sewage treatment plant - balancing and potential assessment | Germany | 2021 |
Preparation of a energy potential study for the wastewater treatment plant Emsdetten-Austum Stadt Emsdetten / Abwasserwerk | Germany | 2021 - 2022 |
Consulting and engineering services for the development of a future-oriented sustainable waste water strategy for the waste water association Braunschweig | Germany | 2021 - 2023 |
Consultancy of cheese-making companies in the area of waste water treatment, GIZ Albania, AFCI | Albania | 2021 - 2022 |
Equipping the sludge thickener with an aeration system to prevent Phosphorous re-dissolution at the Rodenberg wastewater treatment plant | Germany | 2020 -2021 |
Consulting and engineering services for the preparation of an indirect discharge register with evaluation aid (tabular basis) for the Eigenbetrieb Wasser / Abwasser der Samtgemeinde Rodenberg (water/wastewater utility of the joint municipality of Rodenberg) | Germany | 2021 |
Engineering services: Preparation of a technical project description for the Wastewater Treatment Plant Freienbrink Industrial Area | Germany | 2021 |
Supervision of a biofilm pilot plant and determination of kinetic parameters of the Cleartec® module | Germany | 2019 - 2020 |
Expert report: Evaluation of the operational performance of WWTP Avangard Malz | Germany | 2020-2021 |
Support of the tendering and evaluation process for the construction of a municipal wastewater treatment plant in Radenci | Slovenia | 2020-2021 |
Feasibility study for the implementation of in-situ biogas desulfurization by means of micro-aeration in the sludge phase of sludge digestion at WWTP Deverten, The Netherlands. | Netherlands | 2019 |
Feasibility study for the implementation of micro-aeration at the Wolfsburg wastewater treatment plant | Germany | 2019 |
Preliminary study for the implementation of process water treatment at the Wolfsburg wastewater treatment plant | Germany | 2019 - 2020 |
Implementation of a two-stage process water treatment plant designed as deammonification at the Ahrensburg wastewater treatment plant | Germany | 2021 |
Updating of the explosion protection documentation for the sewer network of the city of Hanover | Germany | 2021 - 2022 |
Feasibility study for the implementation of an energy-efficient nitrogen removal with reduced carbon demand in the SBR at a milk processing plant in Northern Germany. | Germany | 2017 |
Expert consultancy for 15 wastewater treatment plants in Lower Saxony: Energy and CO2 balances of municipal wastewater treatment plants and evaluation of measures to increase energy efficiency | Germany | 2015 - 2019 |
Feasibility study on anaerobic digestion of pig manure (760 m³/d), biogas utilisation and sludge water treatment in Bulgaria | Bulgaria | 2020 |
Updating and adapting the dynamic model of WWTP Oldenburg for use of the same in the research project | Germany | 2020 - 2021 |
Approval planning for the construction of a sewage sludge drying plant at WWTP Lindau | Germany | 2022 |
Consulting and training for the commissioning of a separate sludge water treatment (deammonification) at WWTP Ahrensburg | Germany | 2020 - 2023 |
Consultancy on the introduction of BAT and BAT-AEL standards in the Russian Federation - GIZ Russia, aquaconsult Baltic ÖÜ | Russia | 2020 - 2021 |
Carrying out a simulation study for WWTP Holdorf and Bösel for capacity constraints in case of future load increase | Germany | 2020 - 2021 |
Carrying out a simulation study for WWTP Eschweiler and Langerwehe for capacity constraints in case of future load increase | Germany | 2021 - 2022 |
Modeling-based feasibility study for the reconfiguration of wastewater and sludge treatment at the Lindau wastewater treatment plant, aqua consult GmbH | Germany | 2020 |
Modeling in support of the planning of WWTP Düren as a subcontractor of aqua consult GmbH | Germany | 2019 - 2022 |
Inventory and consultancy on process optimisation hydraulics, sludge stabilisation and disposal routes, as well as a phosphorus concept for the Rodenberg WWTP | Germany | 2020 - 2021 |
KliPro - Climate-friendly process water treatment - process development; BMBF research project | Germany | 2021 - 2022 |
Municipal climate protection: Network management for sewage sludge disposal in Schleswig-Holstein - a research project by Jülich Municipal Climate Protection | Germany | 2020 - laufend |
Study on the influence of O2 and SS concentration on the nitrogen uptake of a sludgewater treatment plant with deammonification at WWTP Rodgau | Germany | 2020 |
Feasibility study for conceptioning of an equipment strategy for existing plants as a showcase sewage treatment plant for learning purposes in India by applying German technologies in a common context | India | 2020 - 2023 |
Technical Study on Solid waste management and Odour prevention in Tanneries in Ethiopia | Ethiopia | 2020 - 2021 |
Modelling study of the wastewater treatment plant Wolfsburg – setup, calibration and validation of a dynamic model as well as model calculations to support the planning for the extension and retrofitting of an activated sludge stage (PE 120.000) | Germany | 2020 - 2021 |
CO2-Balancing of Co-fermentation of market waste at the WWTP Hildesheim | Germany | 2020 - 2021 |
Development of ToR for consultancy services about industrial wastewater management enhancement (GIZ) | Zambia | 2020 |
Explosion protection documentation for the sewage system of Hannover | Germany | 2020 - laufend |
Final evaluation of technical and financial results of “Program for the protection of river Paraoeba” emphasis on wastewater collection, wastewater treatment (COD,N,P), anaerobic digestion and biogas (3 WWTP’s with total 500.000 PE and approx.. 90 km collection system) - COPASA/KfW” | Brazil | 2020 |
Consulting services for viability and design of anaerobic lagoons WWTP Lethalkane/Botswana (45.000 PE) | Botswana | 2019 - 2020 |
Operation management and definition of kinetic parameters for Cleartecmodule pilot system – JÄGER Umwelttechnik | Germany | 2019 - 2020 |
Specialized technical support for basic engineering of WWTP Salvador Norte with emphasis on wastewater treatment (COD,N,P) anaerobic digestion and biogas (390.000 PE) – EMBASA/KfW | Brazil | 2019 - 2020 |
Planning of a separate sludge liquor treatment plant (deammonification) at WWTP Wolfsburg – Performance phases (Leistungsphasen) 1 – 3 | Germany | 2019 - 2020 |
Potential study on energy saving at WWTP Wolfsburg according to the provisions of the municipal directive (PE 120.000) | Germany | 2019 - 2020 |
Matematical modelling of WWTP Wallenstadt to determine optimal denitrification volume | Switzerland | 2019 |
Technical assistance for pre-design of trickling filters and activated sludge at WWTP Managua, targeting the expansion of WWTP Managua | Nicaragua | 2019 |
Potential study on energy saving at WWTP Dietzenbach according to the provisions of the municipal directive (PE 50.000) | Germany | 2019 |
Support for project management for the construction of an industrial wastewater treatment plant in India | India | 2019 |
Technical supervision: Optimization of the treatment performance, operation and biogas production of 11 wastewater treatment plants in Brazil | Brazil | 2019 - 2024 |
Planning of a deammonification unit for the sludge liquor treatment of WWTP Ahrensburg (49,000 PE), Performance phases (Leistungsphasen) 1 – 3 | Germany | 2019 - 2020 |
Modelling study of the wastewater treatment plant Dietzenbach – setup, calibration and validation of a dynamic plant-wide model as well as model calculations to support the planning for the extension, or the retrofitting of an activated sludge stage (PE 50.000) | Germany | 2019 |
Viability study for the implementation of a biological biogas desulfurization process with micro-aeration in the sludge phase of an anaerobic municipal digester at WWTP Deverten, Netherlands | Netherland | 2019 |
Development of a module block and implementation of kinetic parameters for the dynamic simulation of a thermal pressure hydrolysis under the aspect of a holistic modeling of the sewage treatment plant Grevesmühlen | Germany | 2018 – 2019 |
CE conformity assessment procedure for the sludge liquor pumping station WWTP Hannover Gümmerwald | Germany | 2018 – 2019 |
Consulting on investigation on biomass composition increasing at process water treatment at the Rodgau sewage treatment plant | Germany | 2019 |
Planning of a "winter solution" for short-term reduction of the back load from sludge dewatering by ammonia stripping at the Wolfsburg wastewater treatment plant | Germany | 2018 |
Consulting on increasing the performance of process water treatment at the Rodgau sewage treatment plant | Germany | 2018 - 2019 |
Viability study for the implementation of a sludge water treatment (two stages, Partial Nitritation and Anammox) at WWTP Wolfsburg (120.000 PE) | Germany | 2018 |
Viability study for the implementation of an energetically optimized treatment process for the elimination of nitrogen with COD limited conditions (Nitritation/Denitritation) using existing SBR-reactors for the dairy industry | Germany | 2018 |
Process design and planning of Deammonification process (Partial Nitritation and Anammox) for an anaerobic sludge treatment centre in Wuwei, China (385.000 PE) | China | 2018 |
Viability study for the implementation of a biological biogas desulfurization process with micro-aeration in the sludge phase of an anaerobic municipal digester at WWTP Zwolle, Netherlands | Netherland | 2018 |
CE conformity assessment procedure for sludge water treatment of WWTP Rodgau | Germany | 2018 |
GIZ / DWA advanced training workshop: activated sludge process and anaerobic sludge stabilization. First wastewater treatment plant neighborhood Guanajuato (1 ° taller de vecindades Guanajuato - DWA / GIZ), Mexico | Mexico | 2018 |
Sustainable and environmentally friendly sludge drying for industrial zones in Ethiopia (SUNSET) - develoPPP GIZ | Ethiopia | 2018 |
Modelling study of the wastewater treatment plant Oldenburg (240.000 PE) – setup, calibration and validation of a dynamic plant-wide model | Germany | 2017 - 2018 |
Development of an anaerobic reactor for the transformation of Hydrogen from electrolysis into methane as alternative storage option for surplus electrical energy from renewable energy – Research project DBU | Germany | 2017 |
Design, delivery and start-up of a desulfurization process of Biogas by microaeration in an anaerobic digester at the WWTP Dietzenbach (80.000 PE) – Performance phases (Leistungsphasen) 1 - 8 | Germany | 2016 – 2017 |
Pre-Design for sludge-liquor treatment with Deammonification process at the wastewater treatment plant Gümmerwald-Hannover (700.000 PE), including existing process water storage | Germany | 2016 |
Pre-study for the energetic optimisation of the biogas utilization at the wastewater treatment plant Springe (25.000 PE) | Germany | 2016 |
Dynamic modelling of an anaerobic municipal digester with Co-Digestion at wastewater treatment plant Herrenhausen Hannover (500.000 PE) | Germany | 2016 |
Viability study for the implementation of dissolved methane technologies in anaerobically pre-treated municipal wastewater in Brazil | Brazil | 2015 - 2016 |
Assessment of measures for increasing energy-efficiency and the reduction of CO2-emissions at several wastewater treatment plants (26,000 to 500,000 PE) | Germany | 2015 – 2020 |
Design of an energy-efficient treatment plant for nitrogen elimination via Nitritation/Denitritation with biofilm from effluents and recycling water of a fish-farm | Germany | 2015 |
Consulting for the design and start-up of a combined anaerobic (EGSB) – aerobic (Denitritation/Nitritation) wastewater treatment plant at a yeast production site and development of an operational concept | Germany | 2014 - 2015 |
IWAMA – Interactive Water Management; Research project BMBF | Europe | 2016 - 2019 |
EXPOVAL UV 4 Anaerobic processes - AnaKomA (Anaerobe kommunale Abwasser-reinigung) – Anaerobic municipal wastewater treatment; Research project BMBF | India, Brazil | 2012 – 2016 |
BiFFiO - Cooperation between the aquaculture and agriculture sectors with the intent to use animal manure and fish faeces for sustainable production and utilization of renewable energy and recovered nutrients | Europe | 2013 - 2016 |
Wastewater treatment plant for the region Jammu and Kashmir based on the H-Batch System | India | 2009 – 2010 |
Floating pilot plant for wastewater treatment on Dal Lake, Srinagar (India) | India | 2015 |
Extension of wastewater treatment plant Ravne, Slovenia (12,000 PE) | Slovenia | 2012 |
Anaerobic treatment of sewage sludge from the treatment of penicillin production wastewater | China | 2011 - 2016 |