Energy & Biogas
In addition to ensuring the technical functionality of wastewater and sludge treatment plants, it is equally important that they are operated in a resource efficient manner, i.e., that conserves resources as much as possible as well as optimises energy consumption. This not only minimises operating costs, but also direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions.
Our range of services in this specialist area extends from the energetic recording and analysis of the current status to the identification of optimisation potential, the development of packages of measures for wastewater and sludge treatment, as well as for the energetic utilisation of biogas.
In this field, we offer solutions and services for:
- Anaerobic digestion of organic substances for energy production
- Digestate processing
- Production, processing, storage and utilisation of biogas or digester gas
- Digester gas desulphurisation through micro-aeration
- Co-digestion
- (Technical) Concepts for electricity and heat and cold generation (CHP)
- Energy analyses and determination of demand for sewage treatment plants
Our References
Supporting the planning services for the implementation of the concept for a climate and energy-neutral wastewater treatment plant in Emsdetten-Austum | Germany | 2023 - ongoing |
Implementation of tests for methane recovery from raw water and developing a concept | Germany | 2023 - ongoing |
Study on the integration of a 4th tratment stage, a P-recycling concept and energy-saving measures. | Germany | 2023 |
Concept for the integration of negative pressure degassing for treatment of digested sludge | Germany | 2023 |
Development of a concept study and elaboration of a project outline with the aim of an “energy self-sufficient sewage treatment plant” for the Emsdetten WWTP | Germany | 2023 |
Consultancy on the circular economy in medium-sized production facilities in Jordan | Jordan | 2022 - 2023 |
Construction of a model and dynamic simulation of the Seevetal wastewater treatment plant with SIMBA# | Germany | 2022 - 2023 |
Concept study for separate sewage sludge stabilisation at the Rodenberg sewage treatment plant | Germany | 2022 - 2024 |
Investigation into the integration of a COD discharge system (pre-treatment) at the Emsdetten-Austum wastewater treatment plant | Germany | 2023 |
CO2-Balance for the new construction of the Münster-Hiltrup wastewater treatment plant | Germany | 2022 - ongoing |
Study on future-oriented ideas regarding the energy management at the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) Lindau | Germany | 2022 - 2023 |
Feasibility Study of Biogas Generation from Sewage Lagoons | Belize | 2022 - 2024 |
Evaluation of the use of biowaste as a co-substrate in a municipal digester - Stadtentwässerung Hildesheim | Germany | 2021 - 2022 |
Potential analysis, support with application preparation for funding (according to municipal guidelines), conceptual design of retrofitting with pressurised aeration by means of dynamic simulations as well as renovation of the aeration systems and rehabilitation of the aeration basins - Husum | Germany | 2021 - 2022 |
Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from sludge treatment at the Münster main sewage treatment plant - balancing and potential assessment | Germany | 2021 |
Preparation of a energy potential study for the wastewater treatment plant Emsdetten-Austum Stadt Emsdetten / Abwasserwerk | Germany | 2021 - 2022 |
Feasibility study for the implementation of in-situ biogas desulfurization by means of micro-aeration in the sludge phase of sludge digestion at WWTP Deverten, The Netherlands. | Netherlands | 2019 |
Feasibility study for the implementation of an energy-efficient nitrogen removal with reduced carbon demand in the SBR at a milk processing plant in Northern Germany. | Germany | 2017 |
Expert consultancy for 15 wastewater treatment plants in Lower Saxony: Energy and CO2 balances of municipal wastewater treatment plants and evaluation of measures to increase energy efficiency | Germany | 2015 - 2019 |
Feasibility study on anaerobic digestion of pig manure (760 m³/d), biogas utilisation and sludge water treatment in Bulgaria | Bulgaria | 2020 |
KliPro - Climate-friendly process water treatment - process development; BMBF research project | Germany | 2021 - 2022 |
Technical Study on Solid waste management and Odour prevention in Tanneries in Ethiopia | Ethiopia | 2020 - 2021 |
CO2-Balancing of Co-fermentation of market waste at the WWTP Hildesheim | Germany | 2020 - 2021 |
Specialized technical support for basic engineering of WWTP Salvador Norte with emphasis on wastewater treatment (COD,N,P) anaerobic digestion and biogas (390.000 PE) – EMBASA/KfW | Brazil | 2019 - 2020 |
Potential study on energy saving at WWTP Wolfsburg according to the provisions of the municipal directive (PE 120.000) | Germany | 2019 - 2020 |
Potential study on energy saving at WWTP Dietzenbach according to the provisions of the municipal directive (PE 50.000) | Germany | 2019 |
Viability study for the implementation of a biological biogas desulfurization process with micro-aeration in the sludge phase of an anaerobic municipal digester at WWTP Deverten, Netherlands | Netherland | 2019 |
Viability study for the implementation of a biological biogas desulfurization process with micro-aeration in the sludge phase of an anaerobic municipal digester at WWTP Zwolle, Netherlands | Netherland | 2018 |
Development of an anaerobic reactor for the transformation of Hydrogen from electrolysis into methane as alternative storage option for surplus electrical energy from renewable energy – Research project DBU | Germany | 2017 |
Design, delivery and start-up of a desulfurization process of Biogas by microaeration in an anaerobic digester at the WWTP Dietzenbach (80.000 PE) – Performance phases (Leistungsphasen) 1 - 8 | Germany | 2016 – 2017 |
Pre-study for the energetic optimisation of the biogas utilization at the wastewater treatment plant Springe (25.000 PE) | Germany | 2016 |
Dynamic modelling of an anaerobic municipal digester with Co-Digestion at wastewater treatment plant Herrenhausen Hannover (500.000 PE) | Germany | 2016 |
Viability study for the implementation of dissolved methane technologies in anaerobically pre-treated municipal wastewater in Brazil | Brazil | 2015 - 2016 |
Assessment of measures for increasing energy-efficiency and the reduction of CO2-emissions at several wastewater treatment plants (26,000 to 500,000 PE) | Germany | 2015 – 2020 |
Design of an energy-efficient treatment plant for nitrogen elimination via Nitritation/Denitritation with biofilm from effluents and recycling water of a fish-farm | Germany | 2015 |


Dr.-Ing. Niklas Trautmann
Tel.: +49 (0) 511 132 221 82