2024 |
Kormann. C.; Trautmann, N. (2024) Greenhouse gas emissions at wastewater treatment plants and their reduction, DWA Day of the Wastewater Technician, Soltau |
2023 |
Trautmann, N. (2023) Process for increasing the efficiency of the aeration stage: Aerobic Granulated Sludge (AGS), Conference for the local community of large WWTP operators DWA LV-Nord, Wilhelmshaven |
2023 |
Zeich, H,; Trautmann, N. (2023) Increasing urban climate resiliance with early warning systems and water reuse options for treated municipal wastewater, IWA Water and Development Congress, Kigali |
2023 |
Trautmann, N.; Hartwig, P. (2023) Biological phosphorus elimination - what is possible in existing and retrofitted plants? DWA Moderator's and Representative's Day, Soltau |
2023 |
Trautmann, N.; Kormann, C.; Kempert, N. (2023) Possibilities for reducing the amount of precipitants in the digestion process, DWA Sewage Sludge Day, Würzburg |
2022 |
Trautmann, N.; Nelting, K. (2022) Degassing technology as a building block for municipalities to achieve their climate targets, VDI Knowledge forum, Koblenz |
2022 |
Trautmann, N.; Beier, M.; Wicht, H.; Roediger, M.; Urban, I. (2022) Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from sewage sludge, DWA letter course, Kassel |
2021 |
Trautmann, N.; Beier, M.; Wicht, H.; Roediger, M.; Urban, I. (2021) Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from sewage sludge, DWA Sewage Sludge Day, Würzburg |
2021 |
Trautmann, N. (2021) CE labeling obligation for wastewater systems - obligation or freestyle?, Conference of representatives DWA LV Nord, Osnabrück |
2021 |
Nelting, K.; Possetti, G.R.C.; Rietow, J.C.; Paula, A.C.; Costa, F.J.O.G.; Gallo, E.M.F.S.; Trautmann, N. (2021). Part B: Advances in gas emission control techniques for naerobic-based STPs Technical Note 3 - Recovery dissolved gases in effluents from anaerobic reactors by means of vacuum degasification, Vol. 1.n.2 p. 35-47 |
+ |
2020 |
Cuff, G.; Nelting, K.;
Trautmann, N.; Mohammad-pajooh, E (2020). Production and upgrading of biogas
through controlled hydrogen injection for renewable energy storage.
Bioresource Technology Reports, Vol. 9. |
2020 |
Loll, U.; Roediger, M.: Urban,
I.; Trautmann, N. (2020). Working report of the DWA-AG KEK-2.1
"Stabilization and Decontamination": Characteristic values of
biologically stabilized sewage sludges with special regard to the assessment
of their product quality. („Stabilisierung und Entseuchung“: Kennwerte von
biologisch stabilisierten Klärschlämmen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der
Beurteilung ihrer Produktqualität). Korrespondenz Abwasser (in Print -
German). |
2019 |
Trautmann, N. (2019).
Deammonification for process water treatment - state of the art technology
and innovations. (Deammonifikation zur Prozesswasserbehandlung – Stand der
Technik und Innovationen). Würzburg Wastewater Symposium, 26.9.2019, Würzburg
(German). |
2019 |
Trautmann, N. (2019). Chapter
"Yeast industry and molasses distilleries" in Handbook of
Industrial Wastewater Treatment. (Kapitel „Hefeindustrie- und
Melassebrennereien“ im Taschenbuch der Industrieabwasserreinigung).
Vulkan-Verlag, Essen. (German) |
2018 |
Nelting, K. (2018). Activated
sludge process and anaerobic sludge stabilization. 1°taller de vecindades
Guanajuato (DWA/GIZ), August, Guanajuato. (Spanish) |
2018 |
Trautmann, N.; Nelting, K.
(2018). CE-Conformity on wastewater treatment plants. DWA Tag des
Abwassermeisters, November, Neubrandenburg. (German) |
2018 |
Trautmann, N.; Nelting, K.
(2018): CE certification at wastewater treatment plants - mandatory or
optional?. (CE-Zertifizierung auf Kläranlagen – Pflicht oder Kür?). DWA
Erfahrungsaustausch Lehrer-/innen und Obleute 21.11.2018, Soltau. (German) |
2018 |
Trautmann, N.; Beier, M. (2018).
Greenhouse gases from sludge treatment - balancing and reduction measures.
(Treibhausgase aus der Schlammbehandlung – Bilanzierung und
Reduktionsmaßnahmen). 7. Gemeinsamer Betreuer/Obleutetag, DWA-Landesverband Hessen/Rheinland-Pfalz/Saarland, 19.Februar
2018, Neustadt/Weinstraße. (German) |
2017 |
Nelting, K.; Rosenwinkel K.-H.
(2017). Extended Design Algorithm Of Municipal UASB-reactors As A Tool For
The Estimation Of Energy Recovery Potential. Poster/Pitch Presentation, IWA
14th Leading Edge Technology Conference 2017. 29 May -2 June 2017, Florianopolis. |
2017 |
Nelting, K.; Trautmann, N.;
Caicedo, C.; Weichgrebe D.; Rosenwinkel, K. H.; Costa, F. J. O. G.; Possetti.
G. R. C. (2017). Constraints on The Dissolved Methane In The Effluent Of Full
Scale Municipal UASB Reactors. Poster, IWA 14th Leading Edge Technology
Conference 2017. 29 May -2 June 2017, Florianopolis. |
2017 |
Nelting, K.; Trautmann, N.
(2017). Recovery of biogas from municipal wastewater with UASB reactors
(Recuperação de biogas presente no esgoto proveniente de reatores UASB -
Painel Biogás: Combustível para a promoção do setor de esgotamento sanitário
no Brasil.) 29° Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental –
FENASAN, October, São Paulo. (Portuguese) |
2017 |
Rosenwinkel, K-H.; Trautmann, N.
(2017). Wastewater treatment in the yeast industry - Concepts and Experience
(Abwasserbehandlung in der Hefeindustrie - Konzepte und Erfahrungen). Wiener
Mitteilungen, Band 243, 2017, Wien. (German) |
2017 |
Trautmann, N.; Nelting, K.;
Beier, M. (2017). GHG potentials from sludge treatment - balancing and
reduction measures. (THG-Potentiale aus der Schlammbehandlung – Bilanzierung
und Reduktionsmaßnahmen). 10. Klärschlammtage DWA, June, Würzburg. (German) |
2017 |
Trautmann, N.; Nelting, K.
(2017). Operational optimization of anaerobic digestion by micro-aeration and
methane recovery. (Betriebsoptimierung der anaeroben Faulung durch
Mikrobelüftung und Methanrückgewinnung). 1. Hildesheimer Abwassertag –
Innovation in der Siedlungswasserwirtschaft, April, Hildesheim. (German) |
2017 |
Trautmann, N.; Nelting, K.
(2017): Anaerobic wastewater treatment from yeast production for COD and
nitrogen removal - concepts and carbon footprint on yeast process. 30th Yeast
conference, April, Berlin. |
2016 |
DWA-Themenband (2016). Design of
wastewater treatment plants in warm and cold climates, ch. 9: Anaerobic
processes. (Bemessung von Kläranlagen in warmen und kalten Klimazonen, Kap.
9: Anaerobverfahren). Deutsche Vereinigung für Wasserwirtschaft, Abwasser und
Abfall e.V. (German) |
2016 |
Nelting (2016). Process analysis
and design of large-scale UASB reactors for municipal wastewater treatment.
(Prozessanalyse und Bemessung großtechnischer UASB-Reaktoren zur
Kommunalabwasserbehandlung). Dissertation, Publication of the Institute of
Sanitary Engineering and Waste Management, University of Hannover. (German) |
2016 |
Nelting, K.; Weichgrebe, D.;
Rosenwinkel, K-H. (2016). Specifics of anaerobic municipal wastewater
treatment: gas production and gas transfer in UASB reactors. (Besonderheiten
der anaeroben Kommunalabwasserbehandlung: Gasproduktion und Gastransfer in
UASB-Reaktoren). 13. Hannoverische Industrieabwassertage, April 2016,
Publication of the Institute of Sanitary Engineering and Waste Management,
University of Hannover. (German) |
2016 |
Nelting, K.; Caicedo, C.;
Weichgrebe, D.; Rosenwinkel, K-H. (2016). Anaerobic municipal wastewater
treatment - methane emissions reduction. (Anaerobe Kommunalabwasserbehandlung
– Reduzierung der Methanemissionen). Abschlussveranstaltung EXPOVAL des BMBF,
October, Essen. (German) |
2016 |
Nelting, K; Trautmann, N.
(2016). Energy recovery from municipal waste - co-digestion for potential
increase of energy production (Aprovechamiento energético de residuos urbanos
-La codigestión como potencializador de la producción energética: Experiencia
alemana). Semana de la Sustentabilidad (GIZ), June 2016, Mexico-City.
(Spanish) |
2016 |
Rosenwinkel K.-H.; Nelting, K.
(2016). Anaerobic municipal wastewater treatment - UASB reactor sizing.
(Anaerobe Kommunalabwasserbehandlung - Bemessung von UASB-Reaktoren).
Abschlussveranstaltung EXPOVAL des BMBF, October, Essen. (German) |
2016 |
Trautmann, N.; Hinken, L.;
Borchmann, A.; Rosenwinkel, K-H. (2016). Anaerobic technology for the
treatment of wastewater from the yeast industry. (Anaerobtechnik zur
Behandlung von Abwasser der Hefeindustrie). 13. Hannoverische
Industrieabwassertage, April 2016, Hannover. (German) |
2015 |
Nelting, K.; Trautmann, N.
(2015). Review of different modeling approaches to represent anaerobic
wastewater treatment using municipal and industrial case studies.
(Überprüfung verschiedener Modellansätze zur Abbildung der anaeroben
Abwasserreinigung anhand kommunaler und industrieller Fallbeispiele). 22.
SIMBA-Anwendertreffen, 6 – 7 Mai 2015, Potsdam. (German) |
2015 |
Rosenwinkel, K.-H.; Hinken, L.; Borchmann,
A.; Trautmann, N. (2015). Chapter "Yeast Industry" in
"Anaerobic Technology" (Eds.: Rosenwinkel, K.-H., Kroiss, H.,
Dichtl, N., Seyfried, C.-F., Weiland, P.) (Kapitel "Hefeindustrie"
in "Anaerobtechnik" ). Springer-Vieweg, 3. Auflage, Berlin
Heidelberg. (German) |
2015 |
Trautmann, N. (2015). Energy and
CO2 balance of wastewater treatment using the example of the yeast and fish
industry. (Energie- und CO2-Bilanz der Abwasserbehandlung am Beispiel der
Hefe- und Fischindustrie). Dissertation. Publication Series of the Institute
of Sanitary Engineering and Waste Management, Leibniz University of Hannover,
Heft 156. (German) |